Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (2024)

Think of Nova Power Bank as a matchmaker in the power world.

No, it doesn’t set up wealthy influential singles. Instead, the 680-megawatt battery storage facility taking shape in Menifee will link renewable energy produced in off-peak windows with electric utilities in need of peak-hour juice.

Billed as one of the largest facilities of its kind in the nation, Nova, which broke around in August at the site of what used to be a natural gas power plant, is expected to be finished in 2025.

By then, Nova’s roughly 1,200 batteries spread over 43 acres will store enough electricity to power 680,000 homes for up to four hours.

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (1)

    Calpine Construction Project Manager Robert Stuart explains Nova Power Bank’s battery storage units Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. Electricity stored in Nova’s roughly 2,000 batteries will flow throughout California during peak demand periods. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (2)

    An engineer at Nova Power Bank works on a battery storage unit Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (3)

    A battery storage unit for Nova Power Bank is seen Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (4)

    An engineer at Nova Power Bank works on a battery storage unit Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (5)

    Wires and knobs extend from the technology at one of Nova Power Bank’s white storage containers Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (7)

    Construction workers from Nova Power Bank make progress Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at the project site in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (8)

    Construction continues Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at Nova Power Bank in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (9)

    Construction workers at Nova Power Bank walk the Menifee site Tuesday, April 23, 2024. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (10)

    A substation at Nova Power Bank is seen Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee as it hums with electricity. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (11)

    A welder at Nova Power Bank works Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. The facility, billed as one of the nation’s largest battery storage facilities, will be capable of powering up to 680,000 homes for up to four hours. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (12)

    An engineer at Nova Power Bank works on a battery storage unit Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (13)

    Medium-voltage cables for Nova Power Bank are being embedded into the ground Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (14)

    Calpine Construction Project Manager Robert Stuart stands in front of a battery storage unit Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (15)

    A worker uses a jackhammer at Nova Power Bank on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (16)

    Construction employees work at Nova Power Bank on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. The electric storage facility is expected to be completed in 2025. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (17)

    Calpine Construction Project Manager Robert Stuart is seen in front of a battery storage unit at Nova Power Bank on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (18)

    An engineer at Nova Power Bank works on a battery storage unit Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (19)

    Calpine Construction Project Manager Robert Stuart waits in a conference room at the control center of Nova Power Bank on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)

  • Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (20)

    Rows of Nova Power Bank’s battery storage units are seen Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Menifee. The facility, billed as one of the nation’s largest battery storage facilities, will be capable of powering 680,000 homes for up to four hours once construction wraps up in 2025. (Photo by Anjali Sharif-Paul, The Sun/SCNG)



Power will cycle through Nova 24 hours a day as wind and solar energy, produced when it’s not needed, is stored and sent to utilities such as Southern California Edison that need that more electricity at other points of the day and night.

Electric way stations like Nova are important as California seeks more renewable energy sources, said Carl Blumenstein, director of the California Institute for Energy and Environment at UC Berkeley.

“It’s during the middle of the day when solar energy is very abundant, we have more than we need,” Blumenstein said. “It would be good to be able to store it and have it available, particularly for late in the afternoon as the sun is going down and production of solar is falling off.”

Menifee officials also welcome Nova.

“The Nova Power Bank will enhance energy reliability not only in our community but also across California,” Menifee Mayor Bill Zimmerman said in a news release about Nova. “This project will provide valuable trade jobs, many of which have been filled by our local workforce.”

Menifee also is home to one of nine U.S. Department of Energy pilot projects creating “microgrids” in new residential areas. The Oak Shade and Durango developments share data and electricity in a network of backup batteries, with a 2.3-megawatt “community battery” supplementing each home’s power supply.

Edison, Redwood-based Peninsula Clean Energy and San Diego Gas & Electric, which serves part of Orange County, will use Nova, according to the release.

Battery storage is key to the state’s goal of having 100% clean energy by 2045. On Thursday, April 25, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that California has reached 10,379 megawatts of battery storage — a 1,248% increase from 770 megawatts in 2019.

“Our energy storage revolution is here, and it couldn’t come at a more pivotal moment as we move from a grid powered by dirty fossil fuels to one powered by clean energy,” Newsom said in a news release.

Calpine, a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Houston that bills itself as the nation’s largest generator of electricity from natural gas and geothermal sources, is building Nova off Antelope Road near the 215 Freeway.

The company also owns a Santa Ana energy storage facility with enough batteries to power 12,000 homes during peak demand periods.

Construction workers at the Nova site Tuesday, April 23, dug holes and tested batteries housed in rows of white containers resembling storage units.

The containers’ insides looked like an IT server farm with wires, switches and warning signs. Electricity audibly cackled through 500,000-volt overhead lines connecting Nova to Edison’s power grid.

When demand for power is low, Nova will take electrons off the grid and convert them from 500,000 volts to 34,000 volts, said Robert Stuart, Calpine construction project manager.

From there, the electricity is converted from AC power to DC power and stored in the batteries. When it’s needed, the process reverses and the power goes from DC to AC before flowing from 34,000 volts back to 500,000 volts on the way back to the grid.

What goes to Nova won’t stay there very long.

“When it’s up and operational, (Nova) will charge and discharge every single day,” Stuart said. “It will charge during the day and as we get closer to the twilight hours, it will start discharging into the night. And then the same cycle will happen every single day.”

Calpine is building Nova in Menifee in part because of the leftover infrastructure from the natural gas plant that operated for 11 years before closing in 2019 before being torn down a year later.

“The technology was such … that to start those and turn those on and off, it was just a robust process (and) cumbersome,” Stuart said. Nova, he said, is better able to respond to the grid’s need for more power at a moment’s notice, rather than a natural gas plant that takes longer to ramp up.

Nova will be a good neighbor, Stuart said.

“What you have is a few exhaust fans, a few cooling fans, (an HVAC) system. But there isn’t a huge noise output for this,” he said.

“For all intents and purposes, it kind of hums along at a very quiet rate and it’s set inside the facility in such a way … you wouldn’t be able to hear it outside of the plant facility.”

A staff of 12 to 13, working round the clock in shifts of two, will monitor Nova at an on-site control center. In case of an emergency, “the complete system can be shut off (with the) click of a mouse,” Stuart said.

Smoke, heat and gas sensors are in every container and will be monitored 24/7, Stuart said, adding that the site will be secured by a series of cameras and lights around the perimeter as well as a fence and a block wall.

“It’s a little hard to tell right now” whether California is meeting its clean energy goals, Blumenstein said.

“We’re making huge progress and sometimes the grid is almost more than half renewable and even higher,” he said. “But there’s some real challenges and storage or some way to get (through) the periods when renewable energy isn’t available are going to be important.”

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to correct two errors. The total megawatts to be stored by the Nova Power Bank facility is 680. The total number of batteries will be roughly 1,200.

Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S. (2024)


Menifee battery storage plant will be one of largest in the U.S.? ›

The Nova Power Bank in Menifee, Calif., will host roughly 2,000 batteries over 43 acres and store enough electricity to power 680,000 homes for up to four hours. The facility is expected to be completed next year. Think of Nova Power Bank as a matchmaker in the power world.

What is the largest battery storage project in the US? ›

The Edwards Sanborn Solar and Energy Storage project incorporates the highest capacity solar farm in the United States with the largest battery storage system in the world. The facility came online in February 2023 and became fully operational in January 2024.

How much battery storage does California have? ›

WINTERS – California has notched a major victory on its path to 100% clean electricity: surpassing 10,000 megawatts (MW) of battery storage capacity. At 10,379 MW, the state has increased battery capacity by 1,250% since the beginning of the Newsom Administration – up from 770 MW in 2019.

What is the biggest battery farm in the world? ›

Owner Vistra Energy has announced the completion of work to expand its Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility in California, the world's largest lithium battery energy storage system (BESS) asset.

How many battery factories are there in the United States? ›

There are 37 Lithium Battery Manufacturing businesses in the US as of 2023, an increase of 1.1% from 2022. Has the number of Lithium Battery Manufacturing businesses in the US grown or declined over the past 5 years?

What solid-state battery company is backed by Bill Gates? ›

QuantumScape, a battery startup backed by Bill Gates and Volkswagen, said its new technology is on track to be able to power cheap, long-range electric vehicles within four years.

What state is best for battery storage? ›

The data shows that California leads energy storage availability by a wide margin, with just over 7.3 GW (7,302 MW) of battery capacity installed. Texas follows in second with nearly 3.2 GW (3,167 MW) installed, while Arizona, Florida, and Massachusetts are next in the lineup.

What is the life expectancy of battery storage? ›

Battery Type
Battery typeCycles before degradationOperational lifespan
Lithium-ion (non-LFP)500 to 1,00010+ years
Lithium iron phosphate (LFP)1,000 to 10,00010-15
Lead-acid500 to 1,000~5 years
Sep 28, 2023

Which country has the most battery storage? ›

The US is the market leader in terms of deployed energy storage projects with almost 100 GW deployed by the end of 2021. As of 1Q22, the top 10 countries for energy storage are: the US, China, Australia, India, Japan, Spain, Germany, Brazil, the UK, and France.

Who is the number one battery maker? ›

The top three battery makers (CATL, BYD, LG) collectively account for two-thirds (66%) of total battery deployment.

Who is the largest consumer of lithium batteries? ›

China is the world's largest user of lithium, although it has somewhat lower levels of output than Australia and Chile. This is mainly a result of its electronic and electric vehicle manufacturing industries. China is also responsible for the production of around 75% of all lithium-ion batteries used worldwide.

What are the BESS projects in the US? ›

The five largest new U.S. battery storage projects that are scheduled to be deployed in California and Texas in 2024 or 2025 are:
  • Lunis Creek BESS SLF (Texas, 621 MW)
  • Clear Fork Creek BESS SLF (Texas, 600 MW)
  • Hecate Energy Ramsey Storage (Texas, 500 MW)
  • Bellefield Solar and Energy Storage Farm (California, 500 MW)
Jan 9, 2024

Who is the largest battery recycling company? ›

Ecobat. Known as “the world's largest recycler of batteries,” Ecobat is a global leader in lithium battery collection and recycling management services.

What company is building the forever battery? ›

QuantumScape — Forever battery company backed by Volkswagen. QuantumScape is a company that's working on solid-state batteries using lithium-metal.

What is the biggest battery company? ›

Limited (CATL) has swiftly risen in less than a decade to claim the title of the largest global battery group. The Chinese company now has a 34% share of the market and supplies batteries to a range of made-in-China vehicles, including the Tesla Model Y, SAIC's MG4/Mulan, and various Li Auto models.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.