The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 32 - EmmaTheOnly (2024)

Chapter Text

*Leaving the Petalburg City Pokemon Center, after healing their Pokemon back up from their battle with Norman, Blue turns expectedly to Ivy.*

Blue: So, since you're some sort of...time traveler or whatever...any idea on what happens from here? Do we just...get our last few Hoenn Badges and take on the Champion, or what?

Ivy, chuckling: If only life was really that simple, huh?

Blue, sounding concerned: What do you mean by that? Are you not telling us something?

Ivy, closing her eyes, and smiling: Oh, you'll find out by tomorrow. The world will totally be in a panic by then, and there's no way you'll be able to get the rest of Hoenn's Badges by the time night falls tonight.

Blue, sounding troubled: What the hell is happening tomorrow, Ivy?! Why would you leave us in the dark like this?

Ivy, nonchalantly shrugging: Because it won’t make a difference whether I tell you what happens in advance or not! Trust me…I’ve seen every variation of what can happen tomorrow.

Blue, sounding defiant: Well…what makes you so sure that this time will be the same as any other time?

Ivy, rolling her eyes: Because I’ve seen what tends to happen, if I go and tell you guys about the threat early. You guys only end up making other problems in the future go worse, more often than not.

Blue, turning to Red: Somehow, I find that hard to believe. After all, the sooner we know about a problem, the more prepared we can become! Right, Red?

Red, agreeing with his friend: Yeah…I agree with Blue, here, Ivy. What’s the worst that could happen, if we knew about an upcoming threat before it happened?

Ivy, staring into the distance all of a sudden: If only you knew, Red…if only you knew.

Blue, remaining defiant, as he calls out Alakazam: Well, if you wanna keep your secrets, then…fine. Alakazam, tell me what she’s thinking about, would you?

Ivy, sounding disgusted: Oh, so this is going to be one of those timelines, is it? One of the ones where you just end up being an asshole, huh? Well, two can play at this game! Gholdengo, make sure Alakazam can’t focus on my mind, by blasting it with a Shadow Ball!!

Blue, noticing Red just standing between the two: Hey, man! Back up Alakazam here for me, would ya? This girl’s keeping some real dirty secrets from us…and we need to learn them, right?

Ivy, shaking her head: Red…don’t be difficult like him this time, would you? Nothing good is going to come from knowing the future before it happens…trust me!

Red, frowning: I wish I could, Ivy…but Blue and I have both seen the future too. And it…doesn’t look too great, from what little I’ve seen. And if there’s a way to avert that future…the least you can do is be open with us, Ivy. If you aren’t going to cooperate…then I think I’m going to have to side with Blue here. Snorlax, get out here, and shield Alakazam from the attack, and keep her Pokemon busy, with your own Shadow Ball!

Ivy, sighing loudly, as she calls back Gholdengo: So, it’s gonna be one of these loops, is it? Fine…I’ll call out Chesnaught, instead! Pummel Snorlax with your Hammer Arm, now!!

*Snorlax’s attack doesn’t end up making Chesnaught bat an eye, as he charges forward towards Snorlax with abandon, and smashes him in the face with a Hammer Arm, causing the giant Pokemon to tumble backwards, onto his back.*

Red, remaining steadfast: You think you’re at an advantage, with Snorlax on his back now? Well, think again…because this is a prime position…for Snorlax to be able to Rest off the damage! Do it, Snorlax!!

Ivy, rolling her eyes: So Resting is a strategy of yours, this time around, Red? Please…you’d never be able to defeat Eternatus with a strategy like that! This loop is just gonna end like all the rest, isn’t it? Chesnaught, plant some Leech Seeds into Snorlax through that big ol’ mouth of his, would you?

*As Snorlax closes his eyes, and begins to snore, Chesnaught is able to launch out a series of suspicious Seeds inside of Snorlax, to Red’s annoyance.*

Red, shaking his head: Uh uh, we aren’t losing to stall-out strategies like that. Return, Snorlax, and switch out for Charizard! Blast it with a Fire Blast, now!!

Ivy, sighing: Chesnaught, you switch out, too! Ludicolo, answer that Fire-type, by Terastalizing into a Water-type…and letting loose your Water Spout!!

*Charizard is forced to watch in horror, as he charges up his big Fire Blasting fireball, as Ludicolo crystalizes its skin once again, and shoots out a massive burst of Water out from its fancy headdress, immediately taking Red’s Charizard out of the battle, just like that.*

Red, shaking his head: Transforming Ludicolo into a pure Water-type wasn’t the smartest move, Ivy…because now, it’s a prime target for Venusaur…to knock out with a Frenzy Plant! Do it, now!!

Ivy, calmly withdrawing Ludicolo back into the Poke Ball: Awfully brash, considering you know I still have a Flying-type on me, right Red? Unfezant, Air Slash, now!!

*Unfezant flies harmlessly over the Frenzy Plant vines rushing towards it, and calmly snaps her wings together, firing off an Air Slash that wounds Venusaur so critically, he ends up fainting, in short order.*

Red, shrugging off his loss: You think I’m scared of some common bird? No way…not when I have Pikachu on my side! Blast it out of the skies, with a Thunder blast, now!!

Ivy, looking unbothered: Unfezant, take one for the team, and set up a Tailwind, would you?

*Pikachu calls down a bolt of Thunder down onto Unfezant, but the latter had already gotten a gust of wind blowing, from Ivy’s side of the field, before fainting.*

Ivy, nodding: The wind on my side…is all I need, in order to win this! Chesnaught, get back in here, and knock Pikachu out with an Earthquaking punch!!

Red, not backing down: Pikachu, I think we’re going to have to make a strategic sacrifice with you, too. Send out a Thunder Wave towards Chesnaught, quick!!

“Pikachu, of course, was not quick enough to attack first, thanks to the Tailwind on Ivy’s side of the field - enabling Chesnaught to knock Pikachu out in just one punch.*

Red, sounding annoyed: Alright Espeon, you’re up now. Bring that brute down to size, with your Psychic powers!!

Ivy, shaking her head, taking out a different Poke Ball: Not if I can help it, you won’t be! Get back, Chesnaught, and switch out for Gholdengo…and respond with a Shadow Ball, now!!

*Espeon blasts Gholdengo with Psychic energy, but the creepy-looking idol Pokemon merely laughs the attack off, before holding up its arms, and charging up a Shadow Ball, above their head. With one swing of their arms, Espeon had gone down too.*

Red, sounding distraught: Alright…Blastoise, you’re up now! Blast that idol to bits, with your Dark Pulse cannons!

Ivy, pointing towards Blastoise: Call down the Thunder on it! Now, Gholdengo!!

*Gholdengo does a weird dance of some kind, trying to have its Thunder blast reach Blastoise. This easily allows Blastoise to launch his attack off, in the meantime…but the Thunder still hits its target all the same too, meaning both Pokemon ended up fainting from the exchange.*

Red, sounding unsure, as he looks down at Snorlax’s Poke Ball: Well, Snorlax…you’re the only one still conscious now…although that’s not saying much, considering you’re still sleeping in there. Get out here, and start Sleep Talking, until you can wake up!!

Ivy, rolling her eyes: Chesnaught, just finish this, would you? Hammer Arm it into oblivion, now!!

*Snorlax begins to mumble in his sleep, before starting to tumble…right atop of Chesnaught…with a Body Slam, perhaps? Fortunately, the latter notices this in time, and counters with an upward-swinging Hammer Arm, instead of a downwards one. This sends Snorlax tumbling backwards again…but this time, he faints, perhaps due to the increased power of the Hammer Arm’s upward swing…winning Ivy the battle.*

Ivy, looking pleased with herself: Yep…looks like you’re gonna have to get way stronger if you ever want to beat Eternatus and break the loop, Red!

Red, crossing his arms: Is that what that talking Dragon was called? Well…has Alakazam learned anything useful during our battle, Blue?

Blue, shaking his head: Nah…not really. She was mostly just focused on the battle more than anything else, it seems. But now that the battle’s over…keep probing her mind, Alakazam!

Ivy, sounding offended: So, I’m going to have to take both of you on, am I? Well…fine by me, I guess! Chesnaught, switch out for Baxcalibur…and Crunch it, now!!

Blue, shaking his head: Alright, forget the mind-probing for now! That thing…it’s gotta be an Ice-type, right? Hit it with one of your Fire Punches, Alakazam!!

*Alakazam cloaks his right fist in fire, and bashes it right into Baxcalibur’s head. However, the behemothic Pokemon only ends up grinning, as the spikes on its back extend further outwards. Baxcalibur then goes for a series of devastating Crunches, which end up taking down the Psychic-type.*

Blue, sounding distraught: What the heck…? Why didn’t Alakazam’s attack…do anything to it?!

Ivy, winking: I guess you don’t know about Baxcalibur’s Thermal Exchange ability, huh? You see, when Baxcalibur gets hit by a Fire-type move…he only gets all the stronger for it, by converting the damage into energy!

Blue, rolling his eyes: You really do know it all, don’t you? Well, my team has more than one way to take out an Ice-type, you know! Get out here, Nidoking, and tear it to threads, with an Earthquaking punch!!

Ivy, shrugging: Who said I was committed to keeping Baxcalibur in, just because he got boosted? Switch out for Nidoqueen…and Counter Nidoking’s technique with your own!!

*Nidoking swings a wild, Earthquaking Punch towards Nidoqueen, but the latter evades it, and catches his arm between two parts of her own forearm. With a wink, Nidoqueen proceeds to redirect Nidoking’s own weight against him, by somersaulting him to the ground, in one brisk rotation…knocking out the Poison-type handily.*

Blue, sounding disgusted: Seriously, what’s with you always having the perfect Counters…literally?! Starmie, hose her down with a Hydro Pump!!

Ivy, shrugging: Nidoqueen, take one for the team. Use your Horn Drill, to smash the stupid gem in Starmie’s stupid body!!

*Nidoqueen barrels through Starmie’s Hydro barrage, using her Horn Drill to redirect most of the force of the water from the attack out away from her. Eventually, she manages to reach Starmie’s core…and shatters it, with the force of her Drill. Of course, Starmie ends up fainting from this.*

Blue, sounding annoyed: Alright, no more funny business! Gengar, lay down the hurt, and blast Nidoqueen with your Psychic powers!!

Ivy, shaking her head: Bad idea, Blue. Knock it out with an Earthquaking punch, Nidoqueen!!

*Nidoqueen goes in for a savage punch towards Gengar, but Gengar merely envelopes her arm in Psychic energy, before using it to have Nidoqueen punch herself with Earthquaking blows!*

Gengar, speaking to Nidoqueen, as he was clearly enjoying himself: Hey! Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? Kekekekekeke!!!

Ivy, looking troubled, upon seeing Nidoqueen faint from her own barrage: Alright…I guess I could have seen that one coming, eh? Well, no matter. Ludicolo, blast it, with a Water Spout!!

Blue, crossing his arms in satisfaction: A bold gamble…too bad Gengar knows how to Thunderbolt with the best of them! And thanks to your Ludicolo being a pure Water-type now, this one’s really gonna hurt!!

*Gengar laughs evilly, as he expels electricity from all throughout his body towards Ludicolo, frying the poor Water-type, before it even have a chance to Spout any Water at all…KOing it.*

Ivy, closing her eyes for a moment: Come on, Ivy. You’ve beaten Trainers far tougher than him before. You can do this…by choosing…Baxcalibur! Crunch it down, now!!

Blue, shaking his head: Not so fast! I switch Gengar out…for Umbreon! Now Toxify it, Umbreon!!

*Baxcalibur Crunches Umbreon, but he doesn’t seem to mind, as he digs his little claws into Baxcalibur’s much meatier toes. This was all it took to Toxify Baxcalibur’s immune system, all the same.*

Ivy, sounding annoyed: Baxcalibur, forget about the poison, and just focus on knocking Umbreon out quickly! Glaive Rush, now!!

Blue, smirking: Good luck hitting a Pokemon as fast as Umbreon his! Show her your Double Team technique!

*Baxcalibur rushes in head-first to rough up Umbreon, but upon trying to, Baxcalibur quickly realizes he had homed in on one of Umbreon’s afterimages.*

Ivy, sounding fed up: Ugh…Baxcalibur…show him how mad you are…with a Stomping Tantrum!!

Blue, sounding worried: What kind of move is that supposed to be? Umbreon, keep Double Teaming!!

*Baxcalibur lets out a roar, as he begins rampaging every which way. It wasn’t long, before Umbreon lets out a small welp. As it turns out, Baxcalibur had managed to trample the right one this time…and with enough power, to cause it to faint outright, to boot.*

Blue, shaking his head, as he calls Umbreon back to his Ball: Unreal…no way that attack should have KOed Umbreon all on its own…

Ivy, smiling, with a shrug: I mean…normally, it wouldn’t have! But since Baxcalibur didn’t connect with his last attack…Stomping Tantrum ended up doing twice as much damage, hehe!

Blue, sighing: Well, that explains that, I guess…but I’m really running out of options here, all the same. Pidgeot, you’re up now! Whip up a Heat Wave, and blast Baxcalibur with it, would you?

Ivy, grinning: All according to keikaku. Baxcalibur, Icicle Spear attack, now!!

Blue, as his eyes widen: Wait…what’s that mean?!

Red, rolling his eyes: It means ‘plan’, Blue.

*Pidgeot tries in vain to generate enough friction in the air to cause a Heat Wave, but Baxcalibur unloads a volley of Icicle Spears out of its mouth like a machine-gun, aimed straight at Pidgeot, in the meantime…making Pidgeot an easy target, who goes down without much of a fight.*

Blue, sighing: Well…it’s all up to you now, Gengar. Hide yourself in a Haze, to make yourself a more evasive target!

Ivy, frowning: What good’s that gonna do you? You originally called back Gengar so he wouldn’t have to deal with Baxcalibur, right? Crunch it up, Baxcalibur!

*Baxcalibur ends up going for some gnashing Crunches, but within the thick of Gengar’s Haze, Baxcalibur can hardly begin to tell right from left, within Gengar’s little pocket of darkness.*

Blue, sounding satisfied: Yeah, all according to plan! See, that’s how normal people talk! Anyway, finish it with a Focus Blast, Gengar!!

Ivy, sounding alarmed: Baxcalibur, avoid that, with your Glaive Rush, and get out of there!!

*Baxcalibur, visibly panicked from the sound of Gengar charging up a Focus Blast, from somewhere within the Haze, tries in vain to hit the Ghost-type, but ultimately misses. Gengar then drops his head upside-down from the top layer of the Haze, giving Baxcalibur a wave, before tossing a Focus Blast sphere right into his chest. Baxcalibur finally ends up crumpling to this, and faints.*

Ivy, sounding defiant still: I’m not planning on losing like this, you know! Chesnaught, Crunch Gengar up, would ya?

Blue, with a smirk: You expect Chesnaught to Crunch Gengar? With jaws as small as those? Get real! Gengar, blast it away with Psychic energy!

Ivy, crossing her arms, with a smile: He’s not gonna Crunch him with his mouth, idiot…but with his fists, instead! Do it, Chesnaught!!

*Chesnaught pounds his fists together, as they start exhuming a Dark aura. Gengar tries to possess Chesnaught’s arms like he did with Nidoqueen, but to no avail, thanks to the Dark aura protecting Chesnaught’s fists. This allows Chesaught’s savage, Crunching beating to go through unhindered, making quick work of Blue’s last Pokemon.*

Blue, sounding distraught, as he calls Gengar back to his Poke Ball: Dang…this girl doesn’t mess around…does she? She made quick work of both of us…without even having her team healed in between!

Ivy, not looking pleased, as she calls Chesnaught back: I’ve had literal centuries to hone my skills, you know. It shouldn’t be a surprise that I can hold my own against anyone, at this point. And no…I don’t mess around…and I’m not going to hang around you guys, if it just means you guys are going to try and have your Pokemon read my thoughts. If you can’t trust me, then…I think it’s best we go our separate ways for now. I’m sure our paths will cross again soon enough, though…just like any other time. But until then…I’m out.

*Red and Blue exchange glances with each other, as Ivy walks away from the pair.*

Blue, shaking his head in disgust: That girl…who does she is, thinking of keeping secrets from us…when we know what ultimately ends up happening to the world already?!

Red, frowning: I don’t know…but I am wondering…if I really made the right choice, in siding with you just now.

Blue, sounding distraught: Are you serious, Red?! She wanted to keep those secrets away from you, too, you know? Clearly, she doesn’t trust us…and we can’t trust her either, clearly!

Red, sighing: I…can’t exactly argue with your logic, Blue…but with Colress, the weird Professor lady, and now Ivy not on our side…I kinda just wish we had more friends, is all…

*The pair head inside the Petalburg Pokemon Center to get their Pokemon healed up, and spend the night there, as well. The following morning, however, when Blue wakes up, he turns on the TV, only to see a startling news report being aired - a giant meteor was heading right towards Earth.*

Blue, as sweat rolls down his face, thinking to himself: Damnit…that girl really is keeping important secrets from us! No…not just us, but the rest of the world, too! My team and I…we need to get stronger…so we can hold that girl accountable…for everything she knows!!

The Infinite World of Pokemon! - Chapter 32 - EmmaTheOnly (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.